Temma – gro†step

Much alike Andy, Temma has been a supporter of focusonthe since the very beginning, taking part in our remix albums as well as the focus group compilation albums! Having Temma as part of the label is fantastic in my eyes, focusonthe was beginning to look like a breakcore label, with so many breakcore artists and […]
Andy pls – all my followers are my friends

Not only was this Andy’s first first full length album on focusonthe, this was his first solo album! Andy was one of the first supporters of focusonthe, and one of our first label friends too – I was super excited to welcome him as a label artist. Absolutely everybody you ask about Andy, will tell […]
saves – trac7

Despite being quite short, trac7 holds up as a fantastic release from saves. Including some of my personal favourite saves tracks, (u rember, मैंने अपनी नाभि खोलने की कोशिश करना बंद कर दिया w/ dj dream diary) this album is an essential listen. As always, saves had a great creative vision for this album. Working […]
healspirit1 – prettycrier

I’d first met Mila almost a year before the release of prettycrier. I’ve always admired her creative visions. Although she doesn’t make music as often as some other focus artists, she has a very clear idea of what her album should sound like. As well as this, Mila has been a great friend to me, […]

Not too much can be said for this release that hasn’t been said already for the original album. I’d had ideas about making a remix album for 5D TETRIS shortly after it’s original release – once our community had started to blossom. After mentioning this to a few early focus artists, I was sent some […]

This release is easily one of the most overlooked releases on the label, solely due to how hard it is to actually listen to… Released originally as an accompanying release to Either This Wallpaper Goes Or I Do, ARCHIVE-TAPE: GA METRU FOUNTAINS takes what the original album did so well, and twists it in new […]
demisoldier – Either This Wallpaper Goes Or I Do

I don’t like to pick favourites, but it’s really worth mentioning how fantastic this album is. I’m listening to this project once again while writing this post – EVERY SINGLE TRACK ON HERE is absolutely phenomenal. I’d first heard of demi and his music when he submitted a remix for the lhk – i feel […]
Andy pls & strxwberrymilk – Andy Milk

Andy Milk is a really fun short project from Andy pls and strwberrymilk, two fantastically talented focus artists. strxw and Andy’s styles compliment eachother perfectly on this short release. All tracks (including the cassette bonus track!) are really fun and don’t try to take themselves too seriously. This is a mock-up artwork I made for […]
Andy pls & saves – vitamin dose

vitamin dose is one of those albums that gets better every time you listen to it. Andy pls and saves’ creative styles work together perfectly throughout all three sides of this project. With each side boasting a unique production style and genre, the three fit together perfectly into a fantastically produced journey of sound. After […]
voipetsu – Polymorph

When I first heard of voipetsu from his feature on SeyNoe’s SeyNoe World, SeyNoe told me to give voipetsu a chance and listen to some of his music. I am so glad I did. I think his production style is absolutely fantastic, bringing a new unique sound to focusonthe. As well as this, voipetsu is […]