strxwberrymilk – Eloise

Eloise is strxwberrymilk’s second full length album release on focusonthe, and a really monumental release for strxwberrymilk. I’ve talked to Oswald possibly more than any other focus member, and in this album, Oswald really wanted to push his own boundaries and make something new. There was a lot of disagreement between Oswald and I about […]
Andy pls & strxwberrymilk – Andy Milk

Andy Milk is a really fun short project from Andy pls and strwberrymilk, two fantastically talented focus artists. strxw and Andy’s styles compliment eachother perfectly on this short release. All tracks (including the cassette bonus track!) are really fun and don’t try to take themselves too seriously. This is a mock-up artwork I made for […]
strxwberrymilk – GAIA

The first strxwberrymilk track I heard was surprisingly not My Head Hurts, but Life of an Ordinary Schoolgirl. When I first heard this track, I saw strxw’s potential as an artist. As the time passed, and we spent more time together, me and strxw talked frequently. I think to this day, he is one of […]
strxwberrymilk – The Escape from Blue Marble

When we re-released this album on focusonthe, strxwberrymilk had already accumulated a large discography, despite the fact he had only been releasing music for a year! To celebrate this, we planned to create a strxwberrymilk cassette box set, which unfortunately fell through. We still wanted to make some physical copies of the older strxwberrymilk releases, […]