saves – trac7
Despite being quite short, trac7 holds up as a fantastic release from saves. Including some of my personal favourite saves tracks, (u rember, मैंने अपनी नाभि खोलने की कोशिश करना बंद कर दिया w/ dj dream diary) this album is an essential listen. As always, saves had a great creative vision for this album. Working […]
Andy pls & saves – vitamin dose
vitamin dose is one of those albums that gets better every time you listen to it. Andy pls and saves’ creative styles work together perfectly throughout all three sides of this project. With each side boasting a unique production style and genre, the three fit together perfectly into a fantastically produced journey of sound. After […]
ю – Tombangakha Cola
This is a short ep released by saves under the name “ю”. There are some really interesting tracks on here – I think this is possibly the most underrated focus release. I remember being sent the album originally, and making an album cover idea which was absolutely AWFUL… Thank god saves didn’t let me use […]
saves – loser
By the time I met saves, I’d started to have an idea of what types of sounds I wanted focusonthe to focus on. I remember being at work and listening to the first demo of this album saves’ had sent to me the night before. Almost all the tracks were different from what the album […]