I’d first met Mila almost a year before the release of prettycrier. I’ve always admired her creative visions. Although she doesn’t make music as often as some other focus artists, she has a very clear idea of what her album should sound like. As well as this, Mila has been a great friend to me, offering me support in some of my darkest times – I thank you a lot for that Mila.
Although this was her first release on the label, prettycrier wasn’t the first album she had sent me. I don’t want to speak about this album too much as I believe it isn’t scrapped and is being worked on extensively.
Not only is this entire album fantastic, the bonus tracks digitally as well as physically are absolutely mind-blowing. Mila’s production style is very consistent throughout all tracks and absolutely never disappoint.
prettycrier marked the start of our “focus month”, where a new focus album was released each week of the month. (This was a terrible idea, and resulted in me getting swamped in physical orders which took a long while to clear (sorry))

We worked through absolutely TONS of concept art for this album until we were finally both happy with the final product. Here’s one of my favourite early designs.
Listen to prettycrier here;
hello focusers
hello there!