The first strxwberrymilk track I heard was surprisingly not My Head Hurts, but Life of an Ordinary Schoolgirl. When I first heard this track, I saw strxw’s potential as an artist. As the time passed, and we spent more time together, me and strxw talked frequently. I think to this day, he is one of my closest friends.
Me and strxwberrymilk had a fairly strong artistic vision for GAIA, it was a pleasure working with Pushopian on the album art.
I think GAIA shows perfectly how strxw’s sound had evolved throughout his first year as a musician. The improvement between blue marble and GAIA was definitely quite noticeable.

An early mockup for the GAIA album cover
GAIA is filled with features from some great names within our music community, aphextwinsucks, saves and meenowave to name a few.
Listen to GAIA here;