focusonthe releases
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Latest Release
Listen to the latest album from SeyNoe, featuring the brand new tracks, including Heaven Punk & Hell Hazard.
SeyNoe 26/01/2024
12 Tracks

SH!T is Temma’s second full length album on...

Although this project was just included as a...

The way this album came to be involved...

Much like many other artists on focus, I...

I don’t have too much to mention about...

If not Andy’s all my followers are my...

I’m definitely not ashamed to admit that FOCUS...

Eloise is strxwberrymilk’s second full length album release...

Kiari is yet another talented artist on our...

Much alike Andy, Temma has been a supporter...

Not only was this Andy’s first first full...

Despite being quite short, trac7 holds up as...

I’d first met Mila almost a year before...

Not too much can be said for this...

I don’t like to pick favourites, but it’s...